At 1871 House Immerse Yourself in the World of Sex and the City, Gossip Girl, and Breakfast at Tiffany’s at 1871 House

Experience the Glamour of New York City at 1871 House: Sex and the City, Gossip Girl, and Breakfast at Tiffany’s. New York City has always been a popular destination for tourists and fans of pop culture. From the glamorous boutiques … Continue reading

Re-creating that Breakfast at Tiffany’s feeling at the 1871 House and the New Cafe at Tiffany & Co.

The 1961 movie “Breakfast At Tiffany’s” and its main character Holly Golightly, played by Audrey Hepburn, are on our minds these days due to an exciting new development. Tiffany & Co. has opened the Blue Box Cafe.  Finally, fans can have … Continue reading